To be able to make a credible objection to a proposed planning application you need to have a number of comments based on what are termed as ‘Material Planning Considerations’.
The following list has been published to help you select certain relevant headings that will allow you to construct an objection that will carry more weight when considered by the Calderdale Planning committee.
- Government policy and the NPPF
- Statutory consultation responses
- Prematurity
- History
- Layout,density,design/appearance,character (Design & Access Statement)
- Amenity: daylight,sunlight,privicy
- Noise, smell or other disturbance (eg. A nightclub in a residential area)
- Access/traffic (parking and road safety issues)
- ‘Up to datedness’ of the development plan
- Conservation/listed building impact (ie. Harm to their character, appearance or setting)
- The provision of affordable housing
- Fear of crime
- local economy and employment generation
- Cumulative impact
- Previous similar decisions
- Rarely, personal circumstances
- Intention to undertake unauthorised development when determining retrospective applications
At a meeting held by Calderdale Council on the 10th January 2011 it was agreed that Northowram is now designated as a Conservation area. Looking back it has been the result of a lot of work centred around the Village Society and other supporters that have spent many hours of valuable time to bring this about.
Below is an image showing the areas of the village affected together with an extract from the original Calderdale Council proposal. This extract will hopefully answer some concerns that have been raised.
It is important to note that the conservation area designation is not intended to prevent change, but to manage new development in ways that preserve and enhance the special historic qualities of the area. To be successful, any future development within the conservation area needs to be mindful of the distinctive local character of Northowram. New buildings or extensions should reflect the general pattern of buildings, as well as their scale and massing, and be respectful of important views, vistas and open spaces, which protect the setting of the historic village core and are an important feature of the area.
Although future development needs to have a high regard for the local character of the village, good contemporary design may be appropriate in some instances, and issues such as sustainability also need to be addressed. English Heritage promote the idea of new development in conservation areas being ‘of their time’, and so sometimes, contemporary design can sit better in the historic environment than a copy of one particular historic period, especially if the area is made up of historic features from different eras. The use of local natural materials is a very distinctive characteristic of this area and could help a new development of modern design to assimilate into the historic environment.
Successful new development in historic areas should:
- Relate well to the geography and history of the place and the lie of the land;
- Sit happily in the pattern of existing development and routes through and around it;
- Respect important views;
- Respect the scale of neighbouring buildings;
- Respect historic boundary walls and retain historic garden plots;
- Use materials and building methods which are at least as high in quality as those used in existing buildings;
- Create new views and juxtapositions which add to the variety and texture of their setting.
(Based on CABE and English Heritage publication Building in Context: New Development in Historic Areas, 2001)
Groups throughout Calderdale held seminars to enable local representatives to put there poits of view to the planning officers who are working on the framework. The following are some of the ponts that were put forward in our area. (2011)
Key Findings for
1.Positive quality of life
Residents in this area enjoy the surrounding countryside and proximity to other towns.
They feel well served in relation to local amenities and experience a strong sense of community.
2. Community
Residents believe their area offers a good ‘village experience’ which in turn supports a strong community spirit.
Each of the three villages have their own identity,
3. History
Residents are proud of the local heritage and history of the area which they want preserved.
4. Countryside
This area offers close proximity and easy access to surrounding countryside which residents value highly.
5. Facilities and local amenities
Residents believe they are well served in terms of local amenities such as libraries shops ect,
6. Quality of life concerns
Residents are primarily concerned with issues around congestion, over-development and the impact of over-development on the green spaces and community spirit they prize.
7 Roads and traffic
Congestion is a big concern of local residents –
They think the speed and volume of traffic poses a serious hazard for pedestrians and drivers, particularly in Northowram.
Heavy loads and rat-run traffic through residential areas are also concerns.
8. Development
Residents are concerned about the volume of unsympathetic new builds and infill development
Residents feel their views about planning are not being taken seriously by the council
“We like to feel that two minutes from our door we are effectively in the countryside.
“Any little open patch, they’ll whack a house on it. It’s disregarding the need for open spaces.”
9. Paths and rights of way
There seems to be an issue in this area around rights of way. Participants worry that they will lose access to some of their walking routes because landowners block footpaths.