Formed back in the 1980’s the society has been a major voice in working for the benefit of improving the quality of life in the village. Whether its the impact of planning and development or smaller issues such as dog fouling or litter problems, there is a place where residents can voice their concerns. In the past the society has been a focus for action against developers to try and influence them to develop the village sympathetically and with a concern to the demands on the infrastructure of the area.
In the past the efforts of the society were rewarded with the village achieving Conservation status. This was based on the overwhelming support of villages who want to help preserve historical parts of Northowram village so it is a place that retains its character, and is in keeping with the decision why people chose to live here originally. Our policy is not to stop progress but to add a voice of concern to help control development that over stretches the infrastructure of the village. There is always a possibility to change development plans and influence a better fit with our surroundings.
Due to lack of younger residents support at our meetings, the committee have decided to suspend these open meetings and combine activities of the society into Northowram & Shelf Ward Forum meetings. However the committee do meet on a regular basis to help monitor any planning activity and other issues of concern. This enables a responsive action via the web site or the ability to organise a special open meeting.
The Northowram Village Society currently is in need of a new chair person and younger involvement on the committee (are you interested?).
If you have an interest in your village and would like to contribute to helping other residents either by promoting any issues or organising meetings to help collect and communicate information to others, then please contact the current committee.
Position Vacant – Chairman
Mike Beecham – Vice Chairman
Position Vacant – Secretary
M Galvin – Treasurer
S Green – Planning
M Beecham – Newsletter
Roy Shaw – Committee
Alf Horsfield – Committee
Brian Wood – Committee
1. Name
1.1 The name of the club shall be the The Northowram Village Society, hereafter referred to as ‘the society’.
2. Aims and Objectives
2.1 The society will cover the area of Northowram village to its boundaries with Shibden Valley, Coley, StoneChair, Stump Cross and Hipperholme.
2.2 Protect the welfare and stability of the village area as a pleasant and safe place to live.
3. Statement of intent
3.1 To provide unbiased information.
3.2 To act as a unified voice for the members.
3.3 To utilise funds in a proper manner to fight any agreed actions.
4. Powers
4.1 Acting on the Society members behalf to achieve positive results for agreed actions
4.2 Using funds in a timely and considered way in achieving agreed objectives
4.3 Managing funds to keep the Society running effectively
4.4 Providing activities at meetings to increase local knowledge and to promote a social atmosphere.
4.5 Forming a competent management committee.
5. Membership
5.1 Open to any person over the age of 18 years that supports the aims, objectives and who has paid an annual subscription laid down by the Management Committee.
5.2 Any group which supports the aims and objectives of the society and has paid the specified subscription. The group will nominate a representative in all dealings with the society.
5.3 Every member will have one vote.
5.4 The secretary will keep an up-to-date record of both individual and group membership.
5.5 Membership may be terminated by the Management Committee on the grounds of a member or group acting against the aims and objectives of the society.
6. The Club Committee
6.1 The committee shall consist of the following voting members:
6.1.1 Chairman
6.1.2 Vice Chairman
6.1.3 Treasurer
6.1.4 Secretary
6.1.5 Newsletter Editor
6.1.6 7 others officers
6.2 All committee members must be full members of the society.
6.3 Office shall be held for the period of one year from being voted in at the annual AGM.
7. Meetings of the Society
7.1 An annual general shall be held on November/December each year. Time and date to be determined by the committee.
7.2 Each annual general meeting shall be convened by the Secretary,(or other agreed committee member).
7.3 Any motions for consideration should be in the hands of the Secretary no later than 14 days prior to the date of the annual general meeting.
7.4 Nominations for the committee should be submitted to the Secretary 24 hours before the annual general meeting.
7.5 A special general meeting should be convened at the request of at least 5 members, made in writing to the secretary giving 21 days notice. Agenda and motions submitted should be circulated to the members.
7.6 Four meetings will be held in the period of one year, one of these incorporating the AGM.
8. Management Committee
8.1 The duty of the Management committee will be to carry out the objectives, provide the management and control the affairs of the society.
8.2 In the event of any committee member resigning before the expiry of office the committee shall co-opt a member to fill this vacancy. In the event of an officer resigning, a replacement shall be elected by the committee from amongst its own members.
8.3 The committee shall meet no less than four times annually.
8.4 There shall be a quorum when at least one third of the number of members of the committee are present at a meeting.
8.5 The committee shall keep minutes of the proceedings at meetings of the committee.
8.6 The committee may invite any persons with particular knowledge, experience or skill to attend committee meetings on special issues but without having the right to vote.
8.7 All committee members should be sent written notice of all meetings at least 7 day in advance of such meetings unless, when there is urgent business, shorter notice may be given in agreement with the Secretary..
9. Finance
9.1 All monies raised by or on behalf of the society should be used to further the aims and objectives of the society.
9.2 The Treasurer shall keep account of all income and expenditure and shall submit accounts to the AGM.
10. Alterations to the Constitution and Dissolution
10.1 The Constitution shall only be altered by consent of two-thirds majority of the full members present at an annual general meeting.
10.2 The Constitution shall be binding on the club officers and members from 25th November 2010.
10.3 The society may be dissolved at any time by means of a resolution agreed by two thirds majority of those present and voting at any annual general meeting or a special meeting called for that purpose. The society’s assets will be distributed as voted upon at that meeting, following the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, to another voluntary organisation with similar objectives.
Passed by members November 2010