The first committee was voted in at the first AGM held at The Northowram Methodist Church, The Green, Northowram 20th January 2011
Chairman – M Beecham
Vice Chairman – S Baines
Secretary – M Turner
Treasurer – A Rushworth
Archivist – M Turner
Programme Secretary – M Turner
Publicity – M Beecham
Committee Member – D Rawlings
Committee Member – P Hodgson
Committee Member – D Bush
Committee Member – D Burrell
Committee Member – P Turner
The Northowram Historical Society is open to everyone interested in local history.
Adult membership applies to those 16 years and over.
Junior membership is free, although you will need to be accompanied by an adult to any meeting or presentation.
Individual £12
Couple £18
Senior (over 60) £10
Senior Couple £15
Junior (under 16) Free
Student (16+ in full time education/training) Free
Please apply for an application form
1 Name
1.1 The Society’s name shall be NORTHOWRAM HISTORICAL SOCIETY hereinafter referred to as ‘the Society’.
2 Aims and Objectives
2.1 The Society will cover the area of the old Northowram Township as shown on that part of the Myers Map used in the Society’s book ‘A History of Northowram Township from 1800’.
2. 2 Promote and research the history of the Township and the Village as decided, from time to time, by the Committee.
3 Statement of Intent
3.1 To provide unbiased and accurate, as far as is known at the time, historical information in all aspects of the Society’s activities.
3.2 To utilise funds in a proper manner to promote historical information in presentations or publications.
4 Powers
4.1 Acting on the Society Members’ behalf to achieve positive results in respect of 3.2, as far as commercial limits will allow.
4.2 Using funds in a considered way in achieving agreed objectives.
4.3 Managing funds to keep the Society running effectively.
4.4 Forming a competent management committee.
4.5 To decide on the date of the Annual General Meeting, hereinafter know as ‘the AGM’
5 Membership
5.1 Open to any person over the age of 16 years that supports the aims and objectives and who has paid an annual subscription laid down by the Committee
5.2 Every member will have one vote.
5.3 The membership secretary will keep an up-to-date record of memberships
5.4 Membership may be terminated by a unanimous decision of the Committee on the grounds of a member acting against the aims and objectives of the Society
6 The Committee
6.1 The Committee shall consist of 10 elected members
6.1.1 The Chairman
6.1.2 The Vice-Chairman
6.1.3 The Treasurer
6.1.4 The Secretary
6.1.5 The Programme Secretary
6.1.6 Publicity
6.1.7 The Archivists
6.1.8 Three other Officers
6.2 All Committee members must be fully paid up members of the Society
6.3 Office shall be held for a period of one year, but without limit to the number of consecutive years in post
6.4 Offices and vacancies may be decided upon by the Committee during the period between AGMs but Offices one to four inclusive must be ratified by the membership at the next AGM.
7 Meetings of the Society
7.1 An AGM shall be held in March each year; time and date to be determined by the Committee, a month either way is permissible under unusual circumstances.
7.2 Any motions for consideration should be with the Secretary no later than fourteen days prior to the date of the AGM
7.3 Nominations for the Committee should be with the Secretary no later than fourteen days before the AGM
7.4 Notice of Items 7.1 – 7.3 should be circulated to the members ten days before the date of the AGM
7.5 A Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened at the request of at least five members, made in writing to the Secretary, and giving twenty one days notice to the members. Agenda and any motions submitted shall be included with the notice.
7.6 The Committee will arrange at least eight presentations/walks/trips per year
8 The Committee
8.1 The duty of the Committee will be to carry out the objectives, provide the management and control the affairs of the Society
8.2 The Committee shall meet no less than 6 times annually.
8.3 There shall be a quorum when at least one third of the number of Committee members are present at a meeting
8.4 The Committee shall keep minutes of the meetings of the Committee
8.5 The Committee may invite any persons with particular knowledge, experience, or skill to attend Committee meetings on special issues, but with no voting rights
8.6 Notice of Committee meetings shall be deemed to have been given with the circulation of the previous meeting’s minutes. Shorter notice may be given on the instruction of the Chairman
8.7 Any decisions made at Committee meetings are binding on the whole Committee and may not be revisited without the agreement of a majority of the Committee
9 Finance
9.1 All monies raised by or on behalf of the Society should be used to further the aims and objectives of the Society
9.2 T he Treasurer shall keep an account of all income and expenditure and shall submit the audited accounts at the AGM, the auditing being carried out by an independent check by a person approved by the Committee. An ad hoc picture of the accounts should be given at each Committee meting, subject to the availability of the Treasurer
10 Alterations to the Constitution, and Dissolution of the Society
10.1 The Constitution shall only be amended by consent of a simple majority of the members present at an AGM
10.2 The Constitution shall be binding on the Society officers and members as from 20th March, 2025.
10.3 The Society may be dissolved at any time by means of a resolution agreed by a simple majority of the members present at an AGM, or Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose. The Society’s assets will be distributed as voted upon at such meeting, following the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, to another or other voluntary organisation or organisations with preferably with similar objectives but otherwise other fully constituted local community groups approved by a simple majority of members present.
Passed by members …………………