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Yew Tree Inn update

The petition has been received by Calderdale Planning Department.

An update from Councillor Peter Caffery.

Many thanks to the 1,000 + residents who signed the petition to maintain licensed premises status for the Yew Tree.

The reply received from Janet Sparkes, representative from the Legal and Democratic Services, Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council, is as follows:-

‘I would advise that as the petition relates to a planning application,  which is due to be determined by the Planning Committee at its meeting on 15thJanuary 2019,   it is not covered under the Petition Scheme which states:-

‘This Petitions Scheme does not apply to certain matters, where there are already existing processes for communities to have their say.  The following matters are therefore excluded from the scope of this Petitions Scheme:

•             Any matter relating to a planning decision, including about a development plan document or the community infrastructure levy.’

Petitions, it appears, are not  appropriate for  Planning Applications. However the point is made and the Planning Committee will be made aware of it.  The Planning Committee hearing, as can be seen above, has been scheduled for the 15th January (which is open to the public) which is much earlier than is liked, and the focus of the objections will be around change of use.

Peter can be contacted via email:

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